Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How do I sew a Doll's neck so I don't rip seam when stuffing?

Ah this is a question that I receive over and over. How do I sew a doll's neck without the seam ripping when I go to stuff it?

Well, there are a number of ways to rectify this problem.

One is use a small stitch on your sewing machine so the stitches are much closer together. This keeps the seam stitches closer together making them a little stronger.

Two is to use pinking shears when cutting out your doll body to avoid seams unravelling while you stuff. You can also use some water in a spray bottle and dampen the muslin as you stuff as well.

And Third, my most tried and true technique that I use on every dollie I make is the good old back and forth stitch on the neck area with the sewing machine. I use the smaller stitch and when I get to the neck area, I sew over it and then use the backstitch button and sew back over the seam again and then going forward again, run over it a third time. I've never had a ripped seam doing this option.

Remember to use a good strong thread while sewing too. The dollar store thread is more hassle than it's savings I tell ya. Also don't forget those hemostats while stuffing as well. They help to stuff that dollie big and full and saves on the hands too!

I hope these tips have helped you with your next dollie project! Till next time, keep reaching for the muslin and keep the wheel on that sewing machine turning! :D

This blog belongs to Heather Burton-Monahan, owner of Cotton Picken Prims. All sources, text, tips and tricks are not to be copied or resold.

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